Friday, January 9, 2015

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Monday, March 26, 2012

"Legion of the damned." The turn based strategy game inspired by Scifi book written by William C. Dietz  That game was released under OffWorldGames flag. 
Samurai - turn based strategy game designed by Reiner Knizia

I did it for Conlan Rios developer 
Some Samurai Artwork 

MONUMENTAL-  iOS game, which we did with Conlan Rios. Amazing puzzle game designed by popular game designer Rainer Knizia.

Whac-a-mole iOS/Android game. That was the mania. (Classical, Xmas , St. Valentine, and Easter version). Need be said that this game was 2nd most downloaded game in US one time!

Card games

CARS - another popular game I did for mobile :)  

New mobiles started support multi-channel-alpha. it was age of new visual trend :) 
Trolls game - unfortunately unpublished 
 Crash test Dummies - Artwork

Crash test dummies - the game (based on simply vector graphics build on excellent  Java Physical engine)

background proposal
Who wouldn't know UFO Afterlight pc game. I was involved in porting this title to mobile platforms. Three times awarded game. Gold Award and Ice Award!
FORT APOCALYPSE - Full color mobile variant of old 8bit game. two times Awarded !
Another set of Disney's characters. Disney Dogs. All-in-one game - was set consist of few minigames.
And here's coming first set of Disney's ducks :) Donald Duck's Quest - cross-platform (J2me, Web Flash game)
Tron 3d - was another 3d realtime game which I draw. 
Another fantastic game which I did for mobiles was Fatal Fury! Still based on Java.
I was involved in converting very famous game "Sudden Strike" to mobile plaform. 
First of my 3d realtime game - 3d Racer
Can't remember if this game was released :) 
Puca mobile game - which I did a long time back
Gladiator's era - one of my first RGB java game mobile for Nokia40 platform (Lcd 128x128 pxl)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012